
Mr. Muskrat on 2004-02-02T04:40:28

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
      - Plato (427-347 B.C.)

Laws and locks

drhyde on 2004-02-02T09:31:06

Consider that the purpose of the lock on your front door is not to keep thieves out (it's almost certainly trivial to bypass it) but to keep honest people honest. Laws serve a similar purpose.

Re:Laws and locks

Mr. Muskrat on 2004-02-02T13:40:15

Very true. If you really want to keep thieves out, you use big dogs, alarm systems, and boobytraps! ;-)

Re:Laws and locks

phillup on 2004-02-02T17:03:56

But, the choice of having the lock, what kind of lock, and using the lock... are all mine.

Not being able to watch a movie on my Linux box... (as an example) wasn't my choice.

Re:Laws and locks

jmm on 2004-02-03T16:08:12

Of course - you don't give the thieves the choices! :-)